My Healthy Prosperity: Find your path to health

Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy?

If you’ve lost your faith, now might be the time to start believing again.

Obviously, we’re not talking about the actual Tooth Fairy, but of an actualized, 21st-century version of it – the dental hygienist.

What Do the Tooth Fairy and Your Dental Hygienist Have in Common?

They’re both friends of your teeth.

The fear of the dentist is a common one, in both children and adults. And for good reasons. Dental pain is the most intense physical pain humans can feel, and anything that reminds us of it we label as “unpleasant.”

But both the dentist and dental hygienist have your teeth’s best interest at heart.

How Is a Dental Hygienist Different from a Dentist or Dental Assistant?

In a dental team, just like in any other team, different people play different roles.

The dental hygienist’s superpower is helping you keep your teeth healthy and clean. They rely mostly on prevention and early intervention on signs that can quickly turn into real problems.

They’re your go-to specialist for problems that include:

  • Plaque or tartar build-up
  • Stains or yellow-tinted teeth
  • Teeth whitening
  • Or any other issues related to the appearance of your teeth and gums.

However, taking care of your dental image is not their only job.

A dental hygienist can also perform oral cancer screenings, take and develop dental X-rays or apply sealants and fluoride that seal and strengthen your teeth.

Additionally, they are specialised in advising youon healthy oral habits. According to Chetan from Sheffield based Mola Dental “This includes diet habits that can hurt or protect your teeth, personalised ideas on what oral-care devices you may benefit from or how to select your toothbrush or toothpaste.”

On the other hand, dentists are the ones carrying out more complex interventions, such as extractions, root canal treatments or even surgeries. Typically, these procedures are intended to solve an acute problem that is already causing pain.

Last, but not least, dental assistants are the dentist’s right hand in any intervention. They make sure the patient’s as comfortable as possible and that the doctor has all the tools and materials they need, precisely when they need them. They have advanced knowledge of the medical procedures and anticipate the needs of the dentist, so the intervention can go smoothly and quickly.

How Can a Dental Hygienist Help You

Having regular appointments with a dental hygienist and following their recommendationsdecreases your chances of developing a more serious condition.

Although most of us tend to seek specialised help only when the problem’s already there, we highly encourage you to include routine check-ups in your schedule.

Prevention is much cheaper – and considerably less painful – than treatment, so make sure you develop a close relationship with your dental hygienist. If you have questions about the benefits of visiting a dental hygienist, reach out to the team at Mola Dental and they will gladly help you.

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