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Love in the Bubble: Crafty Ideas to Celebrate Valentine’s Day             

It’s official. The virus is still here to stay. Much as you may rile about it, throw adult tantrums or start a revolution against it via Zoom, the fact remains. We are still in lockdown mode, and everyone is planet America is hurting. With the death toll expecting to reach half a million (edging past the 291,557 American casualties in WWII) by this month, February seemed destined to be another gloomy month. But wait, isn’t it the month of Valentine’s Day?

You may shrug it off as just another day and decide to sit things out. However, out of the abundance of caution, we strongly recommend you go straight ahead and celebrate Heart’s Day. Why? Simply because something that occupies your mind in a loneliness-littered pandemic is bound to keep you busy. And busy is what we need these days.

Fret not, though the ball game has changed, it certainly doesn’t mean you can’t get it done. There are ways you can have put awesome into Valentine’s Day 2021. Despite celebrating love in the bubble. Here’s how.

No Reservations Required

Think about it. As in many celebrations in the past, mealtime is central in making Valentine’s Day complete. You can put your focus on traditional ways to do it. You might be looking at three-course dinners with your special someone. But that might be an uphill climb given that everyone will be vying for such limited space at the same time. Depending on your local authorities, lockdown orders can be strictly implemented.

The good news is you can always have an amazing dinner indoors. Instead of getting that delicious meal from some chef, you don’t know anything about, why not recreate great recipes at home yourself? You could even cook together put the process on video for all of your friends and family to see.

And cap it all with one memorable dinner with candle lights. One romantic evening right at the center of your personal space. The advantage? You won’t need any reservations. Plus, you can decorate as you will. Best of all, you have space all to yourselves.

Well, if you really can’t see your loved ones on Heart’s Day, then virtual date ideas should get you going just fine. The possibilities are endless. You can watch a concert together, play an online game, or better yet, tour your dream vacation to Timbuktu or in a far-away land together right at home.

Practical Gifts Galore

Gifts are glorious reminders of how much we love who we love. And people who stay indoors can capitalize on that big time. You can show your love to your pets. A third of those who want to buy gifts reveal they will do so for their pets.

Take note that Valentine’s is not just for romantic love. There are a string of people who you can make special on that day that you love. Your parents and kids are top of that list.

In this regard, you may want to consider buying them something practical. A good example is a Valentine’s Day gift that can help their internet life better. It can be a wireless mouse for your children, and mom can get a better PC camera for Zoom.

As for your better half, a proven-and-tested way to show your love is through beautiful jewelry. It’s as eye-popping as you can get. Even better, you can have it custom-made to her wishes. Add a sprinkling of surprise, and a piece of well-crafted jewelry should make her eyes shine so bright to mark the date best.

Mind the Thought 

It’s always the thought that counts. So make it good. Think out of the box. There are crafty ways to send the message home.

For one, you can try it the old-fashioned way, one method anybody can do. We’re talking about snail mail. A love letter mailed to your loved one can be as touching as a wonderful gift. Take time to write well.

To do that, recount the times when you’re together, those precious moments that you had with your special someone. Telling her all about it will make her relive those days. And don’t worry. Love letters are not a piece of test papers. There are no right or wrong things in going about it.

Then don’t forget those gifts. Make sure you show your love in letters. Or you can say everything in a video. That’s sweet. Then, you can rehearse and edit later. Or do an impromptu. Sometimes, the best words of love come out when you’re inspired. And the presence of your special someone may be the very thing to make it all happen.

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