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Understanding Drug Addiction and Its Treatment

Drug addiction occurs in many forms. But to most people, it’s a chronic disease characterized by compulsive drug use. In most cases, addictions are difficult to control despite their harmful consequences. Diagnosing these addictions require a thorough evaluation from an experienced psychiatrist or a licensed drug counselor. And even though there’s no cure for drug and alcohol addiction, treatment options have been put in place to ensure efficient patient recovery.

Addiction Assessment

Before finding the best treatment option, a patient’s blood, urine, and other lab tests have to be carried out first. These tests are helpful in monitoring patient recovery and other related mental health disorders a patient has. The tests are also compulsory when you file or petition the court under the Marchman Act Florida to order involuntary assessment and treatment for drug addiction in your loved one.

For many people, the only way to recovery is by acknowledging their struggles with substance addiction. This helps in finding the proper treatment program that will help restore their overall wellbeing. Below are some of the standard treatment options for drug and substance addiction.


Detoxification is a withdrawal therapy meant to enable one to stop taking the addicting drug as quickly and safely as possible. This therapy can be administered on an outpatient or in-patient basis, depending on the extent of the addiction.

However, this form of treatment requires different approaches as it’s usually associated with numerous side effects. For instance, some rehab facilities prefer the gradual reduction of the drug dose or temporarily replacing it with other substances. The common substitute products used are methadone and buprenorphine.

Behavior Therapy

Behavior therapy is a form of psychotherapy usually administered by a psychologist or psychiatrist. Alcohol and drug counselors are also eligible to provide this form of addiction treatment through a well-laid counseling program. The good thing with this kind of addiction treatment is that it can be done with one person or even a group. The work of the counselor or the therapist will be;

  • Helping you come up with an excellent way to control your drug cravings
  • Show you how to deal with a relapse or any side effect
  • Help deal with social issues, such as a relationship with family, friends, and colleagues at work
  • Help address other mental health issues brought about by the addiction

Self-Help Groups

Self-help groups offer the necessary psychological support that can help one cope with drug addiction. They are usually composed of persons who’ve been in the same situation and managed to get out successfully. The shared experiences and the moral support help people who are addicted to drugs see hope regarding their condition.

Self-help support groups can also decrease the sense of shame, stigma, and isolation brought about by drug and substance addiction. In most cases, this form of treatment may be administered alongside behavior therapy.

Final Word

You can fight addiction and any other form of substance dependence in many ways. However, finding a way that best addresses your condition will guarantee an efficient and effective recovery.

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