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Understanding Facelift Surgery in 7 Easy Steps

Undergoing surgery is seldom a simple decision. When it comes to cosmetic surgery, the decision becomes more complex. Most facelifts in Toronto are done for exalting the physical appearance. Hence the hesitation magnifies. We bring to you this comprehensive guide to help you ease out the apprehension about a facelift.

  1. Ascertain the meaning-First of all you need to know what a facelift is all about. A facelift, in clinical terms called rhytidectomy, reverses many signs of aging on your face. These could include wrinkles, sagging skin, and even creases. The surgery can include all areas from the eyes down to the jawline and neck. The facelift will decrease the harmful effects of time and stress. 
  1. Is it suitable for you? The following points can answer it better
  • Skin stretch ability-A facelift surgery procedurally stretches your skin to remove the wrinkles. This is only possible if your skin still retains some elasticity.
  • Don’t speculate results-Let me be blunt here. Facelifts are no potion to undo aging. Sure it will reduce the signs, don’t expect a complete transformation. You cannot look like a 20-year-old.Facelifts do work miraculously but you need to accept that it has its limitations.
  • Overall health-Facelifts are invasive surgeries. You need to be in overall good health also because it is to be done to the most sensitive part that is the face.
  1. Types of facelifts-Understanding in brief about the types will help you choose the correct procedure. Your doctor will although be the best person to guide you, knowing the basics will not hurt.
  • Full facelift-This will involve tightening of facial skin around the entire face.
  • Upper facelift-This procedure will target only the upper half of the face. From the cheeks to the jowls.
  • Lower face and neck lift-Here skin will be tightened from the jowls to the upper neck area.
  • Other types include-Suture neck lift, lower face and neck, and the classic neck lift.
  1. Choosing a surgeon-The most important part of your facelift surgery would be to find the perfect doctor. The interesting part of a facelift is that the technique is a blend of science and art. Hence your doctor needs to have an artistic bend as well as be skilled at the science. Certain points to consider are-
  • Accreditation-Ask the doctors about their qualifications along with the memberships they hold. This will also help in determining his authenticity among other things.
  • Experience-If you already know what type of facelift you desire, you should choose a doctor with the same expertise. Knowing about his experience also ensures that you are in safe hands.
  • Clientele -You can check the before and after pictures of your doctor’s previously treated patients.
  • Conduct-The surgeon should be friendly and you should feel comfortable with him. It is a big event for you and you should be able to communicate your requirements openly to your doctor.
  1. The procedure-No you don’t need to know every technicality but an overview is desirable. The operation will mainly be based on removing excess fat and skin or redistributing them. The underlying tissues will be tightened. As far as the anesthesia is concerned you can choose a local or a general depending on your finances and other factors.

After the surgery is complete you may have some bandages and or tubes on your face. The incisions will be stitched up using dissolvable sutures or skin glue.


If there are any tubes, these will be drained within 48 hours. After about 5-7 days your stitches will be removed. The bruising and swelling will get better in 14 days or earlier.

  1. Long term care-For the surgery to be a success, you will need to be careful. This precaution needs to be in terms of monitoring weight fluctuations and following skincare regime.

Conclusion-Facelift can be made successful with cooperation from your doctor, yourself and people around you. The correct way to approach the process would be to take it step by step. Even after your surgery is done, don’t forget to keep your skin hydrated and follow care as advised by the doctor.

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