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What Is IPL Hair Removal

If you’re looking for ways to remove hair more easily with longer-lasting results in a way that doesn’t leave you with sharp stubs between shaving sessions, you may have stumbled upon IPL hair removal. IPL hair removal, or intense pulsed light hair removal, relies on the intense light from laser beams to remove hair, often semi-permanently. Here’s what you need to know about IPL hair removal.

What is IPL?

IPL is short for intense pulsed light. It removes unwanted hair by destroying the follicle at its source. If hair does grow back, it often comes back much lighter and thinner than it did before. An intense pulsed light hair removal handset can have added benefits to hair removal, like reducing wrinkles and treating blemishes. It may also improve the production of collagen in your skin, which will make you look younger.

IPL works by emitting wavelengths of varying lengths of light that go into your skin at all kinds of depths. Using it on blemishes, wrinkles, hair, or pigment variations can result in the desired effects. IPL has been found to be safe in professional studies, however it isn’t appropriate for everyone.

Who Doesn’t IPL Work For?

IPL is not effective for people with very light hair that is blond, white, gray, or red. This is because IPL works on the melanin in the hair follicles, so if there is very little melanin in the hair, it will not cause any damage to the follicle. After years of study, IPL and laser therapy have not been found effective for light colored hair.

When laser therapy first came out, it wasn’t effective on people who had dark colored skin. As time has gone on, it has developed to work for many darker skinned people. However, people with the darkest skin may still not find it effective. If you have the same color skin as you do hair, laser therapy may be more likely to have negative effects on the skin and fewer positive effects on the hair follicles.

How Long Does it Take For IPL to Work?

IPL generally starts working within three or four treatments. You won’t see all the hair fall out at first because IPL is most effective when hair follicles are very young. Therefore, any hair that is not in this ideal stage will be less affected or not affected at all. That’s why it takes a few sessions for IPL to be effective. 

Depending on your hair, it may take from 4 to 12 treatments to see complete or very significant reduction in your hair. This doesn’t seem bad when you consider that you can utilize an at-home handset to get these effects.

If you are determined to get faster results, you can consider going into your dermatologist for a professional laser hair removal session. These sessions are considerably more intense, but it usually takes fewer of them to result in significant hair loss. 

Before you begin a routine like this, keep in mind that for the treatment to be effective, it is ideal that laser therapy treatments are conducted monthly. That means that you’ll have to go into a clinic every month to have your treatment done. At home treatments may take a bit longer, but you can take your device with you wherever you go.

Safety of IPL Treatment

IPL treatment has been found to be very safe. If you have very dark skin or light colored hair, it may not be effective for you. However, if you have lighter skin and darker hair, IPL treatment is very likely to have great results. 

The sensation of IPL is similar to having a rubber band flipped. Most people do not find it very significant, especially when compared to the pain associated with other sorts of hair removal techniques like waxing. 

It is important that you not expose yourself to significant sun for some time before and after treatment and that you use sunscreen if you are going to be out in the sun. Sun exposure may cause pigment changes to increase.

Where Can You Use IPL?

One of the great advantages of IPL is that you can use it practically anywhere on the body, as long as it isn’t too close to the eyes. It is a very effective tool on your bikini area and can be great for the face as well. IPL therapy should not be used over very dark freckles or moles, and it should never be used over tattoos.

Get Started with IPL Hair Removal

If you want as close to a permanent solution for hair removal as you can get, an IPL hair removal handset may be exactly what you’re looking for. Many people find that IPL hair removal treatments are effective at reducing or even eliminating hair, making shaving much easier or entirely unnecessary with treatments you can do at home. 

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