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Detect 5 common Health Problems Using an Eye Exam

Several major health organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Ophthalmology, suggest that everyone get a thorough eye checkup every year (AAO). Because of this, the percentage of Americans who get their eyes checked has been rising steadily since the year 2000.

However, half of all Americans continue to refuse to get a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year. Many people believe that if they have not seen any changes in their vision, they do not need the services of an eye doctor. This is unfortunate since eye exams may often detect health problems just as effectively as a physical checkup.

This isn’t only limited to conditions affecting the eyes. Eye doctors can detect a broad variety of health problems that may otherwise go undetected by the public. Take time to get an eye exam Calgary. An eye exam may reveal the following five types of health problems that are often discovered:

  1. Diabetes

Diabetes affects the capillaries in your retina, causing them to leak yellowish fluid or bleed when you blink. This is a common sign of diabetic retinopathy that has gone undiagnosed for a long period of time. If ignored, diabetic retinopathy may result in permanent vision loss; however, early detection and treatment significantly lower this risk. Also fortunate is the fact that there are many ways for controlling your diabetes while also protecting your vision in the future.

  1. High blood pressure (high blood pressure)

It is possible for the blood vessels in your eyes to get kinked or to tear if you have high blood pressure. It is possible that your arteries are weaker or more restricted than normal.

  1. Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol)

A yellowish tint to your corneas may be a sign of high cholesterol levels in your blood. Plaques in the blood arteries may also be an indication of high cholesterol levels.

  1. Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and others

Dry eyes are a common adverse effect of rheumatoid arthritis treatment. It is also possible that inflammation of the irises is indicative of rheumatoid arthritis. Other autoimmune diseases may be discovered by eye experts on a regular basis. Bulging eyes, for example, are a symptom of a condition known as Graves disease, which is rare.

  1. Some cancers, such as prostate cancer

The presence of many distinct types of cancer may be detected during a comprehensive eye examination like a eye exam Calgary. Vision changes may be used to detect brain tumors in some cases. In certain cases, skin cancer may be diagnosed via the eyes, and retinal bleeding can indicate leukemia.

As you prepare for the start of the school year, we realize that you are busy with other matters. Was it ever brought to your attention that now is the best time to schedule a comprehensive eye exam for the whole family? To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors, please call us right now!

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