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Can a Person Get Addicted to Weed?

The legalization of marijuana is one of the biggest topics out there. Although weed is mostly used for medicinal purposes, there are those that use it for recreational services. Prolonged use of marijuana can cause you to get addicted to the substance. One only gets addicted to weed depending on the frequency you use it. It is therefore important for you to equip yourself with as much information as possible about weed. In the end, you will be able to identify the telltale signs of weed addiction.

What Makes Weed Addictive?

Cannabinoid is the main component of weed. Delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBD) are common terms to people addicted to weed. Delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the component that is responsible for the high feeling one experiences when smoking weed. On the other hand, cannabinol (CBD) helps foster the feeling of relaxation. Delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol component has psychoactive properties that make weed highly addictive.

How to Tell you are Addicted to Weed?

There are several signs and symptoms that can help you identify whether you are addicted to weed. The consequences that come with weed addiction are dire and have a major implication on one’s well-being. Some of the telltale signs include:


If you have used weed for a long period, you might have developed cravings to constantly indulge. The use of weed will make you abandon your whole belief system as it tops your priority list. Most people end up quitting their job, dropping out of school, or even selling their assets.

Development of Anti-social Behaviors

Addiction to weed prompts you to develop antisocial behaviors. You will find that you no longer have an interest in social gatherings. Addiction may even cause you to push your friends and family away. An addict would rather spend their free time enjoying a smoke than be with family and friends. This overdependence on weed comes with its fair share of challenges. For instance, you will find that you are extremely unmotivated to engage in any social activities.


If you experience withdrawal symptoms when you do not smoke weed, you are definitely addicted. Some of the main withdrawal symptoms that you may experience include irritability, restlessness, loss of appetite and might even have trouble sleeping. The withdrawal symptoms are at first mild, but peak over time. The withdrawal symptoms might also last up to two weeks if you have not indulged completely.


You get to build up your tolerance for weed if you use it constantly for a long period. The amount you used to take increases gradually as the high you used to experience is mild. Therefore, you end up using large amounts to experience the same high. The consequences that come with the increased intake of weed are dire.

Indulging Despite Facing Complications

Prolonged use of weed will definitely affect all spheres of your life. Weed affects you emotionally, mentally, and physically. Some of the main side effects of using weed include paranoia, lower IQ, financial instability, increased chances of suffering from psychosis, impairment of memory, dropping out of school, loss of friendships, and a lower performance index at work. If you are faced with the above challenges and can’t stop using weed even if you try, you are definitely addicted.

With the above information, you have the advantage of identifying the problem before it gets out of hand. Therefore, if possible, you should avoid using weed excessively because of the negative implications it has on you and your loved ones. You may also opt to admit your loved ones to rehabilitation centers and support groups.

Helpful Resources

Delphi Health Group

Everything for Recovery

New York State

Times Union

Next Wind Recovery

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