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4 Hair Transplantation Methods That you Should Know

Hair loss is a matter of concern for many. The numbers of people seeking hair transplants rise each day. Similarly, the hair transplant market has experienced tremendous growth in the recent past. According to the Global Report 2020-2016, its estimated market value hit the $ 8.1 mark in 2019. Undoubtedly, more and more people are now turning to hair transplants, and there are different hair transplantation methods available.

Let’s begin by understanding the standard hair transplant methods:

  1. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is a popular hair transplantation procedure that addresses the drawbacks associated with FUT. It involves extracting hair strands from the back and sides of your head and implanting them on your hairline to create a fuller, natural look.

FUE mimics natural hair growth and delivers more natural results. During the procedure, Hair Transplant Turkey surgeons will collect hair follicles directly from your scalp and implant them into tiny incisions on the recipient’s site. The process doesn’t remove any strip tissues from the back of your head.

What; more? FUE is associated with shorter recovery periods and minimal scarring since it doesn’t involve any significant deep cuts. The procedure takes more surgery time but minimizes the discomfort during post-care.

  1. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) 

FUT uses a strip of hair from the donor area implanted to the balding parts. The surgeon then uses sutures to close the donor region, which takes several days to heal. The procedure allows for multiple grafts to get implanted in a single session and is ideal for average to extreme balding.

FUT hair transplant comes with numerous benefits; these include;

  • It’s faster than FUE.
  • Allows for the extraction and implantation of more grafts in a single procedure
  • Involves a comfortable recovery process
  • Is slightly cost-effective

  1. Sapphire hair transplantation

Sapphire transplantation was developed based on FUE. It’s a newer procedure that has taken FUE a notch higher. Sapphire hair transplant technique uses Sapphire stone blades and other devices that open minimal grooves on the recipient area. And this minimizes the likelihood of wound formation. The procedure is more advanced, and it’s best to seek such services from expert surgeons.

  1. Scalp reduction

Scalp reduction is a rare hair transplantation procedure. It’s used for both men and women and is commonly used to treat top-hair baldness. The process surgically extracts the stretched hair-bearing scalp to cover the bald areas on your head.

To qualify for scalp reduction hair transplantation, you need;

  • Healthy scalp stretched to other parts of your head.
  • Significant donor hairs on the sides and back of your head
  • Hair loss resulting from age or genetics

 Which hair transplantation method is best for me?

Your choice of transplantation method depends on factors like; the degree of baldness, the grafts required, sessions required and availability of hair in the donor area. The surgeon will examine you and recommend the most appropriate method for your condition. Nonetheless, FUE is more advanced, is less invasive, leaves no linear scars and doesn’t require stitches.

The bottom line

Hair transplantation is an excellent way of restoring balding or thinning hair. If you are experiencing bald patches or hair thinning, contact a hair transplant surgeon. Moreover, only seek services from experienced surgeons, for this ensures quality services.

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