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Hormone Replacement Options: Which Option is the Best for You?

When seeking to take hormone replacement therapy, there are many factors that you should consider. Some conditions requiring HRT include low libido, loss of muscle mass, mood swings, and menopausal or premenopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness. However, selecting the type of therapy that will be right for you can be challenging. This is due to the numerous HRT products that are available. You will also need to decide whether to use synthetic or Bioidentical hormones. This blog will explore the hormone replacement options available to you.

Pellet Therapy

When using other treatment methods, such as pills and topical treatment, they fluctuate in energy and are a roller coaster in testosterone levels. However, hormone pellets therapy provides a consistent and stable way to treat hormone deficiencies by releasing small amounts of the hormone throughout the day for up to five months. It’s incredible in providing a steady hormone increase which will help boost your current condition. However, it is crucial to ensure a patient undergoes a comprehensive blood work analysis to determine the right hormone levels to use. When the levels are determined, the hormone pellets will be implanted under the skin to consistently release small doses of Bioidentical estrogen and testosterone in the bloodstream. This is one of the easy and safe options compared to other options. You must talk with an experienced and reputable healthcare giver to help you decide the best method for you and ensure they install the hormone pellets correctly.

Skin Patches

Skin patches are another HRT method that must be worn on the lower stomach. After placement, skin patches will gradually release hormones into the body. However, you will need constant changing, mostly twice or once weekly. They have an advantage over pills since you don’t need to use them daily. In addition, they pose a lower risk of blood clotting, but you will experience similar side effects.

Lower-Dose Vaginal Products

Many virginal hormone replacement treatments include creams, suppositories, and rings that will be inserted into the vaginal. Low-dose virginal products are ideal for women with virginal menopause and dealing with symptoms such as painful intercourse, itching, burning, and dryness. The type of treatment used will dictate the dosing, such as if using rings, it will require replacement every few months. However, if you choose tablets or creams, you might need a daily or weekly dosage.

Topical Treatments

The topical treatment used in HRT includes sprays, gels, and creams. The hormone in tropical medicine is absorbed in the bloodstream and is usually applied once a day. It’s safer for people with liver problems since it can be absorbed directly through the skin into the bloodstream. The problem with tropical treatments is that they can rub off or wash off before they are actually absorbed.


Oral medication is a standard HRT treatment requiring one to take pills at least once daily. They often work to lower the risk of osteoporosis and relieve symptoms of menopause. They have side effects such as swollen breasts, nausea, headache, virginal discharge, blood clots, and headaches. In addition, they can cause fluctuation in hormone levels throughout the day, leading to varying energy levels and mood swings.

End Note!

Knowing the various options available, you can choose one that will suit your needs. You must consult with your doctor, who will examine your health condition and help advise you on the option that will be most effective for you.

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