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Pre-Med 101 – Which GPAs Should You Care About?

Apart from your college application, you need to pay attention to your grades before joining medical school. You have to know how to use a science GPA calculator to know if you qualify for admission in med school. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, your GPA is one of the most important metrics that the admission officers look at.

As such, most students understand that they need to have high GPAs to join the med school. However, they are not sure how the GPA is reviewed and the factors considered when the admissions officer is evaluating their grades. This article will look at how your GPA reviews and what you should pay close attention to. As such, you need to get guidance and additional information from Medical School HQ. GPAs for the schools you need to apply to.

What Is the Ideal GPA for Medical School?

To join a med school, you need to have a GPA of 3.5 or above. The higher your GPA is the better chances you will have to get accepted into a top program. Most students find it hard to obtain a good GPA after completing their Pre-med coursework. According to the AAMC, if you get a GPA of 3.8 and above, you have an even better chance of getting admission. What’s important here is to establish the mean GPA as well as MCAT scores at the schools you’d like to join. In doing so, you can appropriately target your applications. Also, resources such as MSAR (Medical School Admissions Requirements) will help you compare your GPA against other means of med school.

Average GPAs for medical schools

It is important to know the exact GPA mean and MCAT scores required by the school you consider applying to. Medical schools receive an average of 50,000 applications and only enroll an average of 22,000 students. When comparing top medical schools such as John Hopkin and Harvard, the average GPA is 3.9. Remember that most schools will also admit students that do not reach the average GPA, however, they’ll need to meet other requirements. A high GPA is important, but it is not the only thing required to join a pre-med school.

Science vs. Non-science GPA                                                          

When reviewing your application, your admission officer will look at your cumulative GPA and the science and non-science GPAs. The science GPA is from your biology, physics, and math grades. These are the most important grades while joining the med school.  All medical schools will need to see that you are doing well in your science subjects. Your non-science GPA consists of all other subjects that do not fall under the science category. Most applicants think it might be less important, but it is a great part of your application. Keep in mind that if your non-science GPA is high, it will boost your cumulative GPA.

Remember that every med school has its methods of screening its applications. All schools have different requirements on their GPA and MCAT scores. Some schools will use the national averages for their selection. Before applying to any school, make sure you are aware of all their requirements. Make sure that you have a good GPA to increase your chances of admission to the school of your choice.

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