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The Family Perspective During Rehab

Going through rehab in Austin TX for an addiction is a huge experience for a person trying to get back onto a positive path again, both health-wise and mentally. However, it’s also a huge challenge and undertaking for a family as well. Not every family participates in a rehab experience, but those who do take on a critical support network for a patient, providing a lot of what is needed after an addict gets past the physical withdrawal treatments and then has to engage in rebuilding his or her life again. For families that can make a lot of trepidation, anxiety, and confusion. Here’s what everyone who is a relative of an addict should consider.

Trust the Solution

When your family member enters into a full rehabilitation program, you can trust that they will be getting the medical help they need as well as the fundamental building blocks for starting their recovery. The initial cessation of addiction and breaking the physical needs for the alcohol or drug is essential to help them focus mental energy on long-term healing. That can’t happen when their body is fighting them every minute via withdrawal symptoms. And some of those symptoms can require expert help with serious reactions ranging from nausea, vomiting, shakes, body temperature problems, cardiovascular challenges, and blood pressure problems, and similar. These are all typical physical reactions to breaking an addiction, and sometimes specialized medical care is necessary to address the immediate physical manifestations of cleaning up.

Once the relative has made it past the physical phase, the group therapy teaches him or her what is needed mentally to continue the path towards recovery. That includes mental health care, counseling, and guidance on diet and physical recovery. A relative has a long way to go to getting back to normality again, and it can easily take up to a year.

It’s Not Your Fault

Many family members take on a guilt reaction watching their relative going through rehab. Folks have to remember, the situation that caused the addiction is not the family’s fault. The individual arrived in this situation due to circumstances that ultimately were his or her choice. As a supporting family, you can’t beat yourself up as they go through rehab. Your relative will need your strength and support once the initial program is completed, needing a foundation and place to call home trying to make those first steps again after a program and guided recovery in the early weeks.

Plan to Be There at Release

Regardless of how good a rehab program is, eventually the patient will reach release. It’s at this point that the family becomes the most helpful and supportive resource, providing a place where the person can continue to rebuild and recover. Avoid trying to apply some sort of logic or lesson to preach to the patient. Instead, focus on helping him or her stabilize and continue to practice the new life lessons the person has learned in therapy. They will need your personal support feeling the most vulnerable in their life, not more criticism.

The Family Workshop

Remember, the family workshop is not therapy for you. It is designed to allow the release and help both the patient and the family move beyond events and let go of sentiments associated with the addiction in the first place. In a lot of ways, the family workshop functions a bit like a mediation; everyone gets their stuff off their chest so it doesn’t continue to get in the way of long-term recovery going forward.

Your relative needs help coming out of a rehab program, even though he or she will be engaged in a long-term outpatient support program. Don’t assume everything is cured once an initial treatment period is completed. It’s through family support, patients, and understanding that addiction is broken completely.

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