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The Main Reasons Women Lose Hair

Hair loss in women has been linked to many different causes, but three top the list: genetics, stress, and aging. If you’ve noticed more than just the occasional strand on your pillow in recent months or years, it may be time to explore what’s going on with your hair. Here are the main reasons as to why women lose hair and how to treat them!

Hormonal Changes

Puberty, pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause are a few examples of hormonal changes that can lead to hair loss. Hormonal changes during these periods may cause the production of less estrogen and testosterone, which could result in hair loss. If a woman has PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), her body might also have an imbalance of hormones.


A common cause of hair loss for women is pregnancy. When a woman becomes pregnant, it can trigger the body to stop producing as much hair due to hormones. This is because when a woman becomes pregnant, her hormones become out of balance, which triggers hair loss. It’s estimated that 50% of pregnant women experience some form of hair loss while expecting it, and 10% will experience severe hair loss. If you find yourself experiencing significant hair loss during pregnancy, consult with your physician to see if there are any medications or treatments available to help with the problem.


There are several reasons women lose hair, many of which are related to the hormonal changes associated with menopause. Testosterone levels, estrogen levels, and other hormones all change during menopause which can cause hair loss in women. In addition, some types of birth control, such as progestin-only contraceptives, can also result in hair loss. If you’re worried about your hair loss or know someone who is losing their hair, it’s a good idea to talk with a doctor. There are a variety of treatments available for both menopausal women and those taking birth control that might help reduce or stop the unwanted side effects.

Alopecia Areata

Many reasons can cause hair loss in women. Alopecia Areata is the most common type of hair loss for women. It occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, causing them to shrink and eventually stop producing hair. Various factors, such as stress or a hormonal imbalance, can trigger this autoimmune condition. Stress has been shown to alter hormone levels and cause an overproduction of sebum (the natural oil found on the skin) that may lead to scalp inflammation or even scarring on the scalp called alopecia areata (which means no hair). Another type of female pattern baldness called female androgenic alopecia often starts at around age 30 with thinning all over the head, including areas like temples, crown, and back of the head) and at the nape, some people have a receding frontal hairline.

How to cope with hair loss no matter the reason

Wearing a natural-looking hair wig, such as 16 inch lace front wig, is perfect because it’s a typical hair length. You can also find wigs in different textures like curly, straight, and even African American, Caucasian, and Asian styles. Some are made from synthetic materials like Kanekalon or human hair from all over the world. A wig made from human hair will cost more, but in the long run, it’s a great investment because it lasts longer and looks the most natural. If budget is an issue, you can look into having your insurance pay for your wig.

In summary, there are many reasons why women lose hair. There are lifestyle factors, medical conditions, and genetic predispositions that can all be the cause of a woman’s hair loss. Make it a priority to see a doctor if you’re experiencing hair loss. A doctor will be able to identify what is causing the issue and advise on how it should be treated.

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