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Skin Care

Traveling With Sensitive Skin: Managing Skin Health When You’re Always on the Go

It can be extremely irritating when you have sensitive skin. You are prone to inflammation more than other people. You can have strong reactions to different things, including certain fragrances, clothing, dyes, or chemicals.

Some people have an underlying condition and their sensitive skin is their common symptom. This may not seem like a big deal for as long as they don’t trigger their skin issue. But then, having sensitive skin can actually impact your quality of life.

Imagine experiencing itchiness, redness, and inflammation whenever you forget to mind what you wear, what your use, or what you touch. Your life may be limited to certain types of clothes, cleaners, and even jewelry. This may prevent you from enjoying life to the fullest especially if you have extremely sensitive skin.

But what if your work demands that you keep a very active lifestyle? If you are always on the go, you can be exposed to your different triggers. This can then impact your health and comfort whenever you need to travel or engage in certain activities.

Traveling with sensitive skin often feels like walking in a minefield. Many things can go wrong that can lead to your skin breaking out. If your sensitive skin is linked to an underlying condition, your health may also be put at risk.

To make traveling more fun and manageable, here are five tips you can do to keep your sensitive skin healthy.

Bring Your Own Essentials

Some people get irritated skin after using hotel soaps and shampoo or when they share skin products with other people. The best way to avoid this from happening is to bring your own tried and tested skincare products. You don’t want to sacrifice your own comfort just because of the savings you can get from hotel freebies.

Bring enough skincare products to last more than the days you will be traveling like your moisturizer, serum, alcohol-free toner, and sunscreen. You don’t want to end up losing your supply if you suddenly experience a delayed flight. Don’t forget about your skincare prescriptions in case of a flare-up.

Prep Your Skin Before You Travel

If you like to pluck or shave, consider switching to waxing services. This will help you get rid of unwanted hair without risking another breakout. Know that this is often the go-to hair removal choice for people with sensitive skin since there are nourishing types of wax available for you.

Can’t get rid of shaving? Then make sure you exfoliate first before using shaving cream with your quality razor. Don’t forget to rinse, pat yourself dry, and use a moisturizing oil or lotion to prevent skin irritation.

Keep Yourself Properly Hydrated

Traveling can make you dehydrated; you are constantly moving around and your tendency to reach out for a fun drink is higher. You are also trying out different meals and maybe staying more time under the sun, making you more dehydrated than ever.

Cocktails can cause more than a hangover. If you have sensitive skin caused by psoriasis, then you will want to stay away from alcohol. Alcohol can make skin conditions worse and can even trigger your body’s inflammatory mechanism.

So, make sure you always drink clean water when traveling. Bring your own water bottle and avoid drinking tap water. Not all places in the world have an abundant supply of clean drinking water.

Never Skip Skin Protection

Even if you won’t be spending much time under the sun, make sure you keep your skin moisturized and hydrated. Apply a moisturizing sunscreen you already trust. Bring along an umbrella and wear floppy hats and higher coverage clothing to fight heat rash and sunburn.

If you are offered a hot towel, go ahead and use it. Just make sure you use a moisturizer after.

Know What to Avoid

There are certain things you need to avoid to prevent your sensitive skin from ruining your trip. First, make sure not to forget what you might be allergic to. Talk to a pro and they can help you determine what triggers your sensitive skin.

Your skin will benefit by avoiding the following.

  • Baths and showers longer than 10 minutes
  • Very hot water when washing hands and for bathing
  • Anything that has harsh chemicals like fragrances, cleaners, and detergents
  • Rubbing your skin dry
  • Trying out new skincare products without testing
  • Testing airport and hotel samples
  • Skincare products with fragrances
  • Facials in a hotel spa
  • Touching your face with dirty hands
  • Binge-drinking
  • Trying out new food without knowing the ingredients used

You don’t need to give up your love of travel just because your sensitive skin often gets in the way. The right prevention and skincare can help you reduce your chances of a skin flare-up. You can use this list as a short guide so you can finally enjoy your travels.

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